Ready to know more about San Diego?

5 People To Watch This Month

Phil Black

Phil Black

Fresh from a spot on ABC’s Shark Tank, the firefighter and FitDeck creator is working on a deal with Mark Cuban.


5 People To Watch This Month

Josh Johnson

Josh Johnson

The Padres paid $8 million for one year for this “terrible last season” pitcher (Bleacher Report). Worth it?


5 People To Watch This Month

Russell Geyser

Russell Geyser

He bought the NY Sportimes and will remake them as the SD Aviators. World Team Tennis is back!


5 People To Watch This Month

Annie Lawless

Annie Lawless

Juice cleansing is here to stay. SD-based Suja Juice (Lawless is co-founder) was just named one of Forbes’ America’s Most Promising Companies.


5 People To Watch This Month

Joe Terzi

Joe Terzi

The president and CEO of the SD Tourism Authority okayed $12 million on marketing San Diego to the Western U.S. via a new ad campaign. Yes, happiness is calling once again.

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San Diego, CA